Yeah, I'm assuming you read the page about the Boom engine and the Boom/MBF distinction. If you haven't, go back and read about that. Or don't, it doesn't matter that much.
In addition to that, this list could be about three times longer just to get the notable releases. There are so many good Boom maps out there that it's honestly insane - I can't realistically keep up with all of them.
The Doom Community Chest Series
The Community Chest (CC for short) series, now at four installments, is a series of megawads (32 maps each) that are notable mostly for being a community grabbag of maps. The first, made for limit-removing source ports, was released in 2003, and the second, made for Boom-compatible source ports, was released in 2004.
Community Chest 3 was originally started in early 2005 by Andrew Stine as a ZDoom project. When progress later proved lacking, however, the project was canceled. In the summer of 2006, it was revived by Andy Leaver as a Boom project, and it was eventually released on November 22, 2007. On November 26, 2007, a hotfix was released to fix bugs in a few maps (notably MAP05: Living Hell), along with some other changes.
Community Chest 4 was released in 2012 after being in development for four years, alongside the Community Chest 4 texture pack, a popular texture pack to this day.
Authors: Various
Release Years: 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2012
Number of maps: 32 maps each
Download: CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4
Congestion 1024, Claustrophobia 1024, and Claustrophobia 1024 2
Congestion 1024 is a 2005 megawad for Doom II. All maps are designed so that the playing area fits entirely within a 1024×1024-sized area. Authors were allowed to define sectors outside of this area for the purposes of gameplay, detail and scenery, as long as they are not reachable. MAP01 and MAP19, however, include accessible areas outside of the 1024×1024 boundary.
Claustrophobia 1024 is a 2009 megawad, and the spiritual successor to Congestion 1024. Similarly to its predecessor, all of its levels are designed such that gameplay is restricted to an area of 1024×1024 map units. The project was led by Brett Harrell, began on July 10, 2008, and was released on June 17, 2009.
Claustrophobia 1024 2: The Mystery of Too Many Maps is a 2010 megawad for Boom-compatible source ports. It consists of levels that were left out of the original Claustrophobia 1024, as well as some original levels. It is the result of a project begun by Joonas Äijälä (Jodwin) to improve levels from the alpha stage of Claustrophobia 1024's development that were removed for quality reasons; consequently, most of the levels originate from the alpha stage. Others were developed for the beta stage of development, but were removed as the result of there being too many levels to fit into a full megawad, hence the subtitle. The WAD was released on January 7, 2010.
Authors: Various
Release Year: 2005, 2009, and 2010
Number of maps: 32 maps each
Download: Congestion 1024 Claustrophobia 1024 Claustrophobia 1024 2

Epic 2
Epic 2 is a 32-level megawad released in November 2010, created by Alexander S. (Eternal). The mod features both "egyptian" and "alien" levels, and uses new or replaced graphics, most notably textures from Powerslave/Exhumed.
Author: Alexander S. (Eternal)
Release Year: 2010
Number of maps: 32

Speed of Doom
Speed of Doom is a 2010 megawad by Josh Sealy (Joshy) and Darkwave0000, which requires a Boom-compatible source port to play. It features 33 levels, including one level accessible only through cheating, inspired by Plutonia, Hell Revealed, Hell Revealed II, Alien Vendetta, Scythe and Scythe 2, and others.
The bulk of the soundtrack was composed by Stuart Rynn, although five tracks were contributed by James Paddock, and 14 other tracks were taken from various sources.
The end of a map often looks like the beginning of the next one, likely to create a continuous feel throughout the whole megawad.
Authors: Joshy and Darkwave0000
Release Year: 2010
Number of maps: 32
If you like Speed of Doom's mapping, you may also want to check out Resurgence.

Jenesis is a 2011 megawad for Doom II by James Paddock (Jimmy). It was one of the winners of Doomworld's Cacowards for 2011.
Jenesis' goal was to retain the classic feel of not just the original Doom and Final Doom games, but that of popular megawads like the Memento Mori duology, Hell Revealed, Alien Vendetta, Requiem and Scythe, and often to mesh these themes together to create nostalgic yet modern-looking maps.
Other PWADs whose aesthetic and gameplay styles are to be imitated in Jenesis include Scientist 2, Demon Eclipse and Whispers of Satan.
The maps were also speedmapped, with a view to getting them done in the shortest amount of time possible. The author decided this would be a good way of exercising his single-player mapping skills, and of actually making sure something he started actually got done.
Author: James "Jimmy" Paddock
Release Year: 2011
Number of maps: 32

Stardate 20X6 and Stardate 20X7
Stardate 20X6 is a set of eight Boom-compatible maps released by Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks) in 2013. The WAD is notable for its use of the colour purple. Development started at the end of 2012, continuing for six months until it was uploaded to the idgames archive on 2 June, 2013.
Stardate 20X7 is a set of eleven Boom-compatible maps released by Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks) in 2017. It continues the purple theme of Stardate 20X6.
Unlike most WADs, which are generally balanced most carefully for Ultra-violence over other skill levels, ribbiks opted to focus on balancing the Hurt Me Plenty difficulty, leaving Ultra-Violence as an extreme option for the most skilled players. Stardate 20X7 was formally announced on 16 January, 2016 with a seven-level beta release. More maps were made afterwards, and the completed WAD was uploaded to the /idgames archive on 17 May, 2017.
Author: Zachary "ribbiks" Stephens
Release Year: 2013 and 2017
Number of maps: Stardate 20X6: 8, Stardate 20X7: 11
Download: Stardate 20X6 Stardate 20X7
If you like this level of insane difficulty, you may also want to check out Sunlust, which is 32 maps of this kind of insanity.

Deuv Vult II
Deus Vult II is a twelve level episode WAD created by Huy Pham (Doom Marine). As the first Deus Vult, it contains maps rich with nigh-overwhelming opposition, in the vein of Alien Vendetta or Hell Revealed, with difficulty increasing sharply in the later levels.
Author: Huy Pham (Doom Marine)
Release Year: 2008
Number of maps: 12

Ancient Aliens
Ancient Aliens is a 32-level megawad for Boom compatible source ports, created by Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne (remember him, he'll come up later). It is a parody of alien conspiracy theories, particularly those from the TV show of the same name. The WAD features a large range of custom textures and a new palette allowing for radically different visual styles to what is usually seen in Boom limitations. Also featured are several maps by guest level designers, mostly found in the third and final episode. The entirety of the soundtrack was composed by Stuart Rynn (stewboy), though several tracks were re-used from previous WADs.
The first release candidate of the WAD was released on 8 May, 2016. As this was just days ahead of the release of Doom (2016), the unveiling of a new high-quality megawad did not go unnoticed, and the WAD received widespread attention from gaming news sites. The final version was uploaded to the idgames archive on 19 July, 2016, along with its resource pack.
Authors: Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne and a few guest mappers
Release Year: 2016
Number of maps: 32
There isn't too much interest here, but the few who pursue it are insane.

Valiant is a 32-level megawad for MBF-compatible source ports, created by Paul DeBruyne (skillsaw). It features extensive DeHackEd work in order to provide an enhanced roster of enemies, most of them adapted from the Realm 667 "Beastiary".
Skillsaw released later an alternate version of Valiant without the custom monsters and weapons, intended to be used with gameplay mods such as Demonsteele. The maps themselves were also changed and rebalanced since the original maps were designed taking the modifications into account. The Vaccinated Edition is meant to be a bonus alternate version rather than a replacement for the original.
Author: Paul DeBruyne (skillsaw)
Release Year: 2015
Number of maps: 32
If you really like Valiant, you may also want to check out skillsaw's earlier works Vanguard and Lunatic.

Eviternity is a 32-level megawad for MBF-compatible source ports, created by Joshua O'Sullivan (Dragonfly). It was released on 10 December, 2018, the 25th anniversary of Doom's release, alongside the OTEX texture pack by Ola Björling (ukiro), which the WAD uses exclusively.
Eviternity began development in March 2018, with much of O'Sullivan's design process being livestreamed on Twitch. Several guest mappers were also brought in to help fill out the map roster. The WAD is divided into six episodes - referred to internally as chapters - each with a distinct theme showcasing OTEX's versatility. The final version was released on 10 February, 2019.
Notable for using DEHACKED to create five new custom monsters.
Authors: Joshua O'Sullivan (Dragonfly) and a few guests
Release Year: 2019
Number of maps: 32